Speech & Apraxia
Some children & adults may have difficulty producing the speech sounds required to say words correctly. They may substitute one sound for another sound or delete certain sounds from words. This can be a normal stage of development or persist past the expected age and therefore require intervention.
Apraxia is a motor speech disorder. This means there’s a problem with how a person moves and coordinates the muscles they use to talk. The muscles work fine, it’s just that the brain has difficulty programming and controlling them.
Receptive Language - Where a person experiences difficulties comprehending what is being communicated. Difficulties in this area may include: Understanding instructions, concepts, questions and the meaning of words.
Expressive Language - Where a person experiences difficulty in constructing words and sentences to communicate. Difficulties in this area may include: Using correct vocabulary when expressing oneself, providing clear descriptions and details of events, naming people, places, things etc., and using grammatically correct sentence structures.
Where a person experiences disruptions in the fluency of their speech. Examples include:
Repetition of sounds, words or phrases,
Prolonging or drawing out a sound,
Blocking of sounds, or sounds ‘getting stuck’
Feeding & Swallowing Disorders
Many toddlers and children go through a ‘phase’ of general fussiness and begin to refuse foods they previously enjoyed. Children can outgrow this phase while others may need some extra help.
Children and adults can also experience difficulty with preparing and safely swallowing food and/or drink.
A swallowing disorder may be related to an individual’s sensory differences (where different textures and temperatures inhibit a safe swallow), or related to an acquired brain injury, stroke, neurological condition or ageing.
Difficulties with reading, writing, and phonological awareness (a person’s awareness of the structure, or sound structure of spoken words).
Social Skills
Where an individual experiences difficulty interacting with others or understanding the ‘social rules’ of language.
Diet & Nutrition
Some adults and children who may have been affected by health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease, renal disease, gastro-intestinal diseases, food allergies, and fussy eating may require guidance about how to appropriately manage diets and nutrition.